词汇 | thesaurus_heedful |
释义 | heedfuladjective These are words and phrases related to heedful. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of heedful. PRUDENTSynonymsthoughtful considerate reflecting prudential provident vigilant wide-awake cautious wary circumspect shrewd guarded chary prudent wise sensible careful showing good judgment judicious expedient discerning sagacious sage politic sapient levelheaded well-advised rational sane self-possessed prepared foresighted discreet farsighted precautious frugal thrifty saving economical sparing Antonymsimprudent indiscreet unwise irrational thoughtless inconsiderate improvident careless heedless reckless rash incautious wasteful extravagant uneconomical CAREFULSynonymscareful cautious watchful wary guarded chary alert observant attentive on guard vigilant diligent concerned thoughtful mindful regardful prudent painstaking scrupulous circumspect discreet tactful judicious solicitous Antonymscareless reckless rash abandoned slack lax neglectful negligent remiss heedless perfunctory thoughtless unthinking inattentive unconcerned improvident MINDFULSynonymsmindful attentive to alert to regardful cognizant conscious thoughtful careful watchful aware cautious observant alive to open-eyed to sensible wary taken up with occupied with engrossed in absorbed in preoccupied with Antonymsmindless heedless inattentive oblivious unaware incautious unobservant thoughtless CAGEYSynonymscagey wary cautious chary careful prudent alert watchful discreet leery wily cunning crafty shifty sly foxy artful shrewd sharp keen Antonymsunwary careless heedless reckless rash unthinking unguarded trusting imprudent indiscreet dense dull slow-witted stolid PROTECTIVESynonymswatchful vigilant careful solicitous protective sheltering shielding fatherly motherly paternal maternal sisterly brotherly big-brotherly avuncular grandfatherly grandmotherly GUARDEDSynonymsguarded cautious chary wary careful restrained discreet circumspect prudent cagey leery mindful on one's guard hesitant tentative Antonymsreckless careless daring frank rash foolhardy OBSERVANTSynonymsmindful attentive aware regardful perceptive wide-awake conscious observant watchful vigilant alert on the lookout awake careful Antonymsunobservant inattentive oblivious unmindful heedless indifferent unconcerned DEFENSIVESynonymsdefensive prepared protective protecting safeguarding vigilant defending foiling forestalling guarded preventive wary watchful ATTENTIVESynonymsattentive mindful considerate intent awake wide awake alert listening observant Antonymsinattentive indifferent unconcerned heedless neglectful |