词汇 | thesaurus_happenstance |
释义 | happenstanceadjective These are words and phrases related to happenstance. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of happenstance. COINCIDENTALSynonymscoincidental accidental unplanned chance ironic happenstancenoun CIRCUMSTANCESynonymscircumstance fact factor occurrence event incident happening phenomenon condition state of affairs vicissitude detail particular item thing point element matter HAPPENINGSynonymshappening event occurrence incident incidence episode affair experience matter proceeding occasion circumstance adventure advent case accident vicissitude just one of those things LUCKSynonymschance fortuity accident Lady Luck wheel of fortune luck fortune fate lot destiny karma kismet Antonymsdesign cause and effect HAZARDSynonymshazard chance accident fluke luck stroke of luck mishap mischance misfortune coincidence Antonymsdesign plan calculation premeditation ACCIDENTSynonymsaccident chance fluke luck fate good fortune fortuity serendipity Antonymsplan intention intent design calculation purpose SERENDIPITYSynonymsserendipity happy chance lucky chance good luck good fortune fortuitousness adventitiousness |