词汇 | thesaurus_gratifying |
释义 | gratifyingadjective These are words and phrases related to gratifying. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of gratifying. HAPPYSynonymspleasant pleasing delightful cheering joyful happy glad pleased delighted content contented gratified tickled tickled pink gay cheerful in high spirits elated joyous overjoyed exhilarated blissful rapturous ecstatic exultant gleeful transported rhapsodic jubilant flushed with pleasure exuberant in seventh heaven Antonymssad unhappy sorry sorrowful displeased discontent despondent forlorn miserable gloomy glum melancholy depressed downcast joyless mournful somber down in the mouth down in the dumps YUMMYSynonymsyummy delicious savory luscious delectable delightful appetizing tasty appealing juicy tempting succulent toothsome enjoyable pleasing satisfying rich mouthwatering sensuous luxurious voluptuous sumptuous splendid opulent lavish lush velvety creamy ambrosial piquant redolent Antonymssickening unappetizing yucky PLEASINGSynonymspleasing pleasurable satisfying enjoyable gladdening delightful amusing diverting entertaining attractive agreeable inviting likable winning captivating charming fascinating friendly affable amiable congenial genial cheerful good-natured good-humored polite mannerly well-mannered Antonymsdispleasing unpleasant unpleasurable unattractive disagreeable distasteful disgusting unlikable JOYOUSSynonymsjoyous happy glad gladsome joyful festive wonderful rapturous gay mirthful merry cheerful gleeful lighthearted pleasurable heartening heartwarming delightful Antonymssad unhappy joyless PLEASANTSynonymspleasant agreeable pleasing pleasurable enjoyable satisfying lovely charming attractive inviting felicitous good fine nice mild gentle soft Antonymsunpleasant displeasing disagreeable distasteful wretched distressing miserable horrible bad awful WELCOMESynonymsagreeable delightful pleasant pleasing inviting engaging winning enticing charming welcome gladly received wanted accepted at home comfortable hospitably entertained Antonymsunwelcome unwanted cold-shouldered excluded LIVABLESynonymslivable worth living worthwhile agreeable comfortable convenient enjoyable pleasant satisfying bearable tolerable endurable acceptable passable Antonymsunpleasant unsatisfactory unbearable intolerable unendurable painful disagreeable TRIUMPHALSynonymstriumphal victorious successful ascendant fulfilling rewarding joyous exultant spectacular proud marking a triumph triumphant ENJOYABLESynonymsenjoyable pleasant pleasing providing enjoyment pleasurable agreeable fun-filled delightful satisfying rewarding jiggy Slang Antonymsunpleasant disagreeable unenjoyable unpleasurable unsatisfying hateful detestable loathsome abominable despicable LUXURIOUSSynonymsenjoyable comfortable pleasurable pleasure-giving luxurious expensive costly rich grand |