词汇 | thesaurus_granted |
释义 | grantedadjective These are words and phrases related to granted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of granted. UNDISPUTEDSynonymsindisputable incontestable undeniable freely admitted undoubted beyond doubt past dispute irrefutable without question beyond question incontrovertible a matter of fact acknowledged unquestionable indubitable conclusive certain sure undisputed uncontested not disputed unchallenged unquestioned accepted PRIVILEGEDSynonymsallowed permitted licensed sanctioned warranted empowered entitled authorized privileged limited special exempt free immune excused unaccountable not liable PERMISSIBLESynonymspermissible permitted allowed allowable unprohibited tolerated admissible sanctioned authorized licensed lawful legal legitimate licit Antonymsforbidden prohibited banned disallowed proscribed unauthorized unlawful illegal illicit LAWFULSynonymslawful rightful proper acknowledged by law authorized legally entitled legitimate prescribed legally recognized titled due Antonymspretended disputed illegitimate grantedadverb YESSynonymsyes aye yea it is so just so true of course surely really truly verily to be sure assuredly certainly indeed emphatically no doubt undoubtedly doubtless positively precisely exactly so be it amen affirmatively in the affirmative Antonymsnot so untrue wrong false of course not no indeed doubtfully negatively in the negative grantedconjunction PROVIDEDSynonymsprovided on the condition that if in case Antonymlest |