词汇 | thesaurus_gleaming |
释义 | gleamingadjective These are words and phrases related to gleaming. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of gleaming. SPLENDIDSynonymsrich ornate splendid beautiful magnificent splendorous splendiferous flashing costly superb gorgeous resplendent dazzling glittering effulgent brilliant grand sumptuous palatial majestic elegant imposing regal royal stately glorious Antonymsplain somber tawdry poor beggarly squalid CLEARSynonymsbright brilliant radiant dazzling luminous shining light glistening glowing sparkling clear unclouded cloudless unobscured fair halcyon serene sunny lucid transparent translucent crystalline pellucid gauzy diaphanous Antonymscloudy clouded obscured hazy stormy murky muddy unclear opaque BRIGHTSynonymsbright brilliant blazing dazzling shimmering vivid intense shining glowing beaming radiant sparkling glittering resplendent luminous lustrous lambent effulgent illuminated light-filled sunny warm Antonymsdim pale subdued dark drab gloomy murky obscure dusky cloudy misty cool SPOTLESSSynonymsspotless clean unsoiled unspotted immaculate pristine unstained unmarred flawless unsullied untarnished pure perfect unblemished shining untainted snowy Antonymsfilthy dirty messy soiled LUSTROUSSynonymslustrous bright luminous radiant glistening illuminated burnished effulgent incandescent dazzling coruscating glossy shining polished glowing Antonymsdim drab dull dingy lusterless LUMINESCENTSynonymsluminescent glowing aglow luminous glimmering shimmering glistening twinkling flickering fluorescent phosphorescent not incandescent glowing without heat Antonymsincandescent caused by heat hot FRESHSynonymsblooming sparkling glowing fresh wholesome clear youthful-looking rosy ruddy fair bright flourishing Antonymssickly wan pallid faded gleamingnoun GLEAMSynonymsgleam sheen luster gloss brightness radiance effulgence brilliance coruscation glitter Antonymsdullness tarnish |