词汇 | thesaurus_get-rid-of |
释义 | get rid ofverb These are words and phrases related to get rid of. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. KILLSynonymskill murder slay slaughter cut down put to death assassinate butcher massacre shoot down shoot mortally wound injure fatally end the life of take the life of dispatch put an end to do in silence stop the breath of wipe out exterminate deal out death shed blood spill blood execute knock off Slang bump off Slang rub out Slang blow away Slang finish off Slang erase Slang waste Slang take for a ride Slang Antonymsenliven bring to life revitalize ELIMINATESynonymseliminate do away with banish abolish eradicate erase exterminate cut out annihilate weed out stamp out rub out remove throw out exclude reject drop delete except leave out omit eject expel cast out exile dismiss oust Antonymsobtain get invite establish add include inject accept admit incorporate BANISHSynonymscast out drive out eliminate remove shake off erase cast away send away drop dispel dislodge discharge eradicate evict oust discard eject reject banish ban shut out bar dismiss put away exclude Antonymsinvite admit accept receive receive with open arms welcome entertain harbor shelter foster nourish cherish RESCINDSynonymsrescind revoke reverse retract repeal recall take back invalidate countermand overrule counterorder override set aside discard sweep aside void annul abrogate abolish declare null and void nullify cancel quash dissolve Antonymsuphold support validate SCREENSynonymseliminate throw away discard throw out eject weed out screen examine for suitability evaluate size up rate grade separate sift winnow cull filter strain sort arrange order group class DISCARDSynonymsdiscard eliminate throw away throw out weed out thrust aside cast aside remove abandon shelve have done with relinquish drop shed junk dispose of dispense with dump scrap throw overboard jettison Antonymsretain keep preserve DISCHARGESynonymsdischarge fire dismiss release expel oust let go terminate sack give the gate to can axe give one his walking papers bounce lay off send packing cashier remove from office ERADICATESynonymseradicate eliminate annihilate exterminate erase expunge extinguish extirpate destroy wipe out do away with abolish remove blot out obliterate liquidate Antonymsestablish originate implant engender create breed ABANDONSynonymsabandon discontinue give up drop stop cease forgo waive discard junk wash one's hands of relinquish forfeit surrender scrap Antonymscontinue maintain REMOVESynonymsremove wipe out take out erase extract eliminate cancel delete blot out drop |