词汇 | thesaurus_get-away-from |
释义 | get away fromverb These are words and phrases related to get away from. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FLEESynonymsflee escape from run away from hasten away from make one's escape from make a getaway take to one's heels take flight abscond skip fly the coop cut and run split Slang decamp desert make off hasten off speed off fly away vanish disappear BREAKSynonymsbreak escape make a getaway slip away take to one's heels fly the coop flee run run away fly dash make a dash take flight Antonymscapture catch ELUDESynonymselude evade avoid escape escape the notice of dodge circumvent shun fight shy of keep clear of slip by Antonymsconfront meet encounter challenge QUITSynonymsquit leave go away from take off depart withdraw drop out retire from take wing or flight skip or flee the coop from Antonymsarrive at come to remain stay SHAKESynonymsshake escape from elude get rid of rid oneself of throw off slough Antonymscatch capture get keep retain |