词汇 | thesaurus_floppy |
释义 | floppyadjective These are words and phrases related to floppy. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of floppy. LIMPSynonymslimp slack loose flabby droopy drooping flaccid yielding lax lacking vitality lacking firmness soft dead tired weak lethargic enervated exhausted Antonymsstiff rigid strong hardy robust FLABBYSynonymsfeeble weak hanging loosely slack drooping limply flabby limp flaccid soft yielding inelastic doughy baggy spongy Antonymsfirm hard solid tight taut tense tough sturdy strong LAXSynonymslax slack drooping hanging open not firm weak relaxed flaccid loose agape loose-muscled limp flabby Antonymstense taut rigid firm strong |