词汇 | thesaurus_flaunting |
释义 | flauntingadjective These are words and phrases related to flaunting. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROUDSynonymsarrogant insolent proud conceited vain smug self-satisfied self-important prideful self-praising bragging boastful braggart egotistical swollen vainglorious know-it-all complacent pompous overbearing assuming affected puffed up inflated bloated patronizing condescending supercilious disdainful contemptuous intolerant haughty aloof snobbish lordly high-and-mighty imperious uppish Informal uppity Informal snooty Informal cocky Informal stuck-up Informal high-hat Slang snotty Slang Antonymshumble unassuming modest unobtrusive meek unpresuming deferential PRETENTIOUSSynonymspretentious showy ostentatious pompous grandiose fatuous bombastic pedantic boastful overbearing affected unnatural insincere presuming assuming lofty airy snobbish high-and-mighty Informal hoity-toity Informal stuck-up Informal puffed-up blown-up inflated exaggerated theatrical stagy flashy tawdry ornate gaudy garish florid flowery extravagant overdone self-glorifying self-important self-praising smug Antonymsunpretentious modest unaffected natural unassuming plain simple FLAGRANTSynonymsflagrant shockingly bad shameless brazen blatant audacious immodest glaring gross sheer obvious crying arrant barefaced notorious scandalous conspicuous outrageous heinous monstrous GARISHSynonymstawdry vulgar tinsel garish gaudy loud flashy glaring showy blatant bright overelaborate too colorful extremely ornate tastelessly showy ostentatious pretentious cheap brassy obtrusive Antonymssedate conservative unobtrusive modest plain simple somber refined tasteful elegant flauntingnoun SHOWSynonymsvaunting show display pretext pretense pretension affectation pose sham front counterfeit impression effect appearance illusion delusion PARADESynonymsparade show display array exposition demonstration spectacle vaunting ostentatious display pageantry pomp Antonymssuppression hiding concealing masking cloaking |