词汇 | thesaurus_farseeing |
释义 | farseeingadjective These are words and phrases related to farseeing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. SHREWDSynonymsshrewd astute smart clever sharp sharp-witted acute keen knowing canny discerning quick quick-witted perceptive sensible farsighted probing piercing penetrating wise intelligent sagacious perspicacious circumspect prudent cautious careful wary Antonymsdull unknowing ignorant undiscerning slow-witted slow nearsighted shortsighted imprudent careless dumb stupid PROVIDENTSynonymsprovident foresighted well-prepared foreseeing farsighted forehanded thoughtful discreet judicious circumspect discerning cautious wary precautious vigilant careful ready equipped prudent frugal thrifty economical saving parsimonious chary Antonymsimprovident unprepared shortsighted injudicious undiscerning incautious unwary reckless heedless imprudent wasteful uneconomical FARSIGHTEDSynonymsfarsighted foresighted forehanded long-sighted foreseeing prescient clairvoyant provident wise judicious prudent levelheaded commonsensical acute shrewd wisely planned Antonymsshortsighted improvident injudicious |