词汇 | thesaurus_fall-off |
释义 | fall-offThese are words and phrases related to fall-off. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of fall-off. THE FACT OF GETTING SMALLER OR BECOMING LESSThere's been a sharp fall-off in demand for the product since the company's scandal broke. Synonyms and examplesdecrease There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors. fall A fall in the price of petrol is unlikely. falling-off There has been a slight falling-off in public sector employment growth. drop We are expecting a sharp drop in temperatures overnight. decline A decline in profits is to be expected in this economic climate. nosedive Consumer confidence has taken a nosedive. reduction The company announced a 10 per cent wage reduction in response to poor earnings. downturn The economic downturn is likely to continue. downswing Banks took action to counter the downswing in manufacturing. Antonyms and examplesincrease There has been an increase in noise complaints since the building started. rise There has been a sharp rise in home sales this month. upturn Some sectors of the economy have seen a sharp upturn. upswing Production is on the upswing after a stagnant third quarter. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of fall-off. See words related to fall-offlessen lower reduce bring down go down come down plummet plunge crash crater mainly US dwindle shrink contract Learn more When something decreases, it becomes smaller or less. A decrease in something describes the fact of that thing getting smaller or becoming less. fall-off | American Thesaurusfall offverb These are words and phrases related to fall off. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of fall off. ABATESynonymsabate decrease diminish reduce lessen subside decline fade fade away recede dwindle moderate mitigate weaken wane ebb curtail slack slacken go down lower fall away taper off lighten soften quiet quell slow slow down slake off temper cool blunt ease relieve alleviate assuage pacify soothe allay mollify palliate dull dampen restrain restrict Antonymsincrease intensify magnify enhance heighten aggravate amplify grow multiply rise come up strengthen sharpen heat up quicken accelerate hurry speed speed up prolong extend FADESynonymsfade decline dwindle flag fail diminish wither lessen taper ebb shrivel languish crumble droop wane blur slowly disappear vanish dissolve evanesce evaporate recede melt away dissipate die gradually pass away Antonymsflourish rise increase bloom grow endure abide last stand NODSynonymsdrop off nod doze fall asleep go to sleep drowse be torpid or languid be inactive be forgetful be negligent lapse let up DETERIORATESynonymsdisintegrate decay crumble deteriorate worsen degenerate decline wane ebb lapse fade Antonymsimprove ameliorate advance SUFFERSynonymssuffer deteriorate be impaired drop off fall-offnoun These are words and phrases related to fall-off. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of fall-off. DECREASESynonymsdecrease reduction lessening loss decline abatement diminution dwindling cutback de-escalation Antonymsgrowth extension expansion swelling |