词汇 | thesaurus_evil |
释义 | evilThese are words and phrases related to evil. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of evil. A BAD PERSON, ACTION, ETC.He was an evil dictator who murdered his own people. Synonyms and examplesbad A very bad man is getting what he deserves. wicked Rapunzel was trapped inside a tower by a wicked witch. awful She was truly awful to him through their entire marriage. terrible He was a terrible husband. dreadful No one will own up to the dreadful deed. abominable Nothing can ever excuse such abominable behaviour. sinful Their actions are considered sinful by the Church. impure literary or humorous She was labelled immoral and impure for daring to speak publicly about sexuality. Antonym and examplegood She's a good person who gives to charity. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of evil. See words related to evilpoor dire grim horrible frightful old-fashionedinformal horrid old-fashionedinformal fearful horrendous ghastly atrocious horrific abysmal appalling low/ mediocre disapproving inferior cheap disapproving cheap and nasty UK bad at hopeless useless mainly UKinformal rubbish UKinformal incompetent inept inexpert weak unskilled amateurish disapproving Learn more Bad weather, conditions, situations, etc. are unpleasant and cause difficulties or harm. You can describe a person who behaves in a way that is morally wrong, or a morally wrong action, as a bad person, action, etc. Something that is of bad quality is of a low or unacceptable standard. If someone is bad at something, they lack skill in that doing something. evil | American Thesauruseviladjective These are words and phrases related to evil. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of evil. Shakespeare characterizes Richard III as an evil king. Synonymsbad wicked iniquitous immoral sinful base unprincipled sinister malevolent malicious malignant vile villainous vicious nefarious heinous black-hearted unscrupulous pernicious venal Antonymsgood honorable worthy moral exemplary wholesome upright virtuous benevolent kind human humane merciful sympathetic benign evilnoun The minister preached against evil. Synonymssin wickedness immorality wrongdoing vice baseness iniquity depravity turpitude corruption Antonymsgood goodness virtue morality righteousness |