词汇 | thesaurus_ennoble |
释义 | ennobleverb These are words and phrases related to ennoble. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of ennoble. GLORIFYSynonymsdeify apotheosize idolize canonize adore worship bow down and worship enshrine consecrate sanctify beatify elevate dignify immortalize burn incense to light candles before glorify give glory to pay homage to exalt venerate revere praise laud extol honor celebrate make more splendid add luster to sing the praises of glamorize romanticize Antonymsdesecrate profane blaspheme defile dishonor debase defame degrade condemn mock SUBLIMATESynonymsspiritualize purify elevate exalt sublimate redirect divert channel shift turn transfer convert transform transmute DIGNIFYSynonymsdignify honor distinguish glorify elevate exalt uplift grace build up raise promote magnify Antonymsdemean humble ELEVATESynonymsimprove better refine dignify exalt enhance heighten elevate raise move up promote advance Antonymsdemote degrade kick downstairs Slang bust Slang humble demean EXALTSynonymsexalt uplift elevate inspire elate stimulate exhilarate heighten enhance Antonymsdepress dispirit dishearten weary dismay appall PREFERSynonymsaggrandize exalt dignify prefer promote raise in office advance in rank graduate elevate |