词汇 | thesaurus_emergence |
释义 | emergencenoun These are words and phrases related to emergence. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of emergence. OCCURRENCESynonymsappearance circumstance unfolding development manifestation materialization occurrence happening event incident instance episode experience business proceeding transaction situation venture adventure affair occasion DAWNSynonymsdawn beginning commencement birth rise inception origin advent start unfolding first appearance early development COMINGSynonymsappearance advent occurrence materializing coming arrival arriving approach approaching imminence nearing proximity Antonymsdeparture withdrawal disappearance APPEARANCESynonymsarrival coming advent materialization manifestation appearance appearing coming into view showing up turning up Antonymsdisappearance vanishing departure passing EMANATIONSynonymsemanation issuing arising beginning emission flowing outflow radiation |