词汇 | thesaurus_drooping |
释义 | droopingadjective These are words and phrases related to drooping. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of drooping. LANGUIDSynonymslanguid faint feeble weak weary sickly declining indisposed debilitated unhealthy unsound unstable doddering infirm on the decline fatigued exhausted enervated worn-out spent rickety shaky trembling lackadaisical languorous sluggish torpid apathetic inert inactive supine Antonymsstrong tireless active energetic vigorous robust SPENTSynonymsspent exhausted weak weary wearied used up played out worn out debilitated tired out done powerless strengthless ready to drop fatigued bushed Slang beat Slang laid low faint on one's last legs prostrate enfeebled done in fagged out Antonymsenergetic lively strong robust vital HAGGARDSynonymsexhausted spent weary fatigued tired debilitated fagged toilworn worn wasted overwearied flagging haggard tired-looking hollow-eyed gaunt careworn woebegone tuckered out Slang beat Slang bushed Slang pooped Slang Antonymsfull of pep energetic vigorous jaunty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed well-rested hale hale and hearty glowing with health robust sleek LIMPSynonymslimp slack loose flabby droopy floppy flaccid yielding lax lacking vitality lacking firmness soft dead tired weak lethargic enervated exhausted Antonymsstiff rigid strong hardy robust FAINTSynonymsfeeble weak exhausted lacking strength torpid lethargic fatigued languid worn out faint dizzy lightheaded vertiginous about to swoon giddy Antonymsstrong steady sturdy hearty FLACCIDSynonymsflaccid slack soft weak weakened debilitated emasculated enervated sapped enfeebled flabby lax flimsy limp ineffective LAXSynonymslax slack hanging open not firm weak relaxed flaccid loose agape loose-muscled limp floppy flabby Antonymstense taut rigid firm strong PENDULOUSSynonymssagging pendulous hanging suspended dangling pendent swinging pensile |