词汇 | thesaurus_disunite |
释义 | disuniteverb These are words and phrases related to disunite. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of disunite. PARTSynonymspart separate disengage open divide detach disconnect disjoin break apart split slit sunder sever rend tear tear assunder cleave break Antonymsunite combine join close hold cling stick adhere SEPARATESynonymsdisjoin disconnect separate keep apart divide mark off come between split partition subdivide cut sever detach break sunder bisect part Antonymsjoin attach link unite engage connect SEGREGATESynonymssegregate separate isolate cut off detach divide divorce disconnect keep apart sequester set apart set aside single out sort out seclude insulate quarantine Antonymsunite blend mix desegregate integrate SPLITSynonymssplit divide rupture part sever come between set at odds sow dissension set against segregate alienate disagree differ diverge part company Antonymsunite join FRAGMENTSynonymsfragment break apart break up splinter shatter divide separate chop up cut up crumble chip disintegrate Antonymsunite bring together combine SEVERSynonymssever discontinue dissolve put an end to terminate do away with disjoin split up break off rupture Antonymscontinue keep maintain DISAFFECTSynonymsdisaffect estrange alienate antagonize discompose disquiet disturb disunify divide repel DISLOCATESynonymsdislocate put out of joint disjoint disconnect disarticulate unhinge uproot disengage separate SEGMENTSynonymscleave separate disjoin segment divide into parts section cut up split up Antonymscombine meld fuse join unite RUPTURESynonymsrupture cause a break in cause a breach in disrupt divide break up Antonymsunite heal knit DIVIDESynonymsdivide cause to disagree split cause to take sides Antonymsunite cause to agree |