词汇 | thesaurus_distressing |
释义 | distressingadjective These are words and phrases related to distressing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of distressing. AWFULSynonymsawful bad dreadful terrible horrible horrendous deplorable lousy unpleasant disagreeable displeasing appalling frightful ghastly fearful horrifying hideous ugly gruesome monstrous shocking revolting reprehensible despicable contemptible mean low base heinous dire redoubtable formidable alarming Antonymsgood fine O.K. wonderful terrific tremendous pleasant pleasing attractive beautiful pretty admirable likable GRIEVOUSSynonymsintolerable insufferable unbearable harmful lamentable burdensome destructive calamitous grievous very bad grave severe serious heavy harsh acute critical crucial significant appalling atrocious heinous iniquitous shocking outrageous monstrous nefarious shameful deplorable glaring Antonymstrivial trifling facetious frivolous unimportant inconsequential insignificant mild light BADSynonymsbad unpleasant unwelcome disagreeable disappointing distressed discouraged sorry discouraging disturbing regrettable troubled troubling gloomy glum melancholy joyless grim disheartening unnerving dreadful obnoxious cross angry short-tempered offensive irascible irritable touchy Antonymspleasant welcome heartening encouraging promising hopeful cheerful cheering happy joyful joyous sweet smiling good-tempered sweet-tempered TERRIFICSynonymsfrightening terrifying fearful fearsome alarming scary harrowing awful dreadful horrifying upsetting disturbing terrific severe intense fierce harsh terrible extreme excessive monstrous great enormous huge inordinate immoderate tremendous Antonymsmild moderate harmless gentle slight insignificant paltry comforting reassuring encouraging settling soothing calming easing POIGNANTSynonymspoignant moving affecting touching heartrending pitiful pitiable piteous pathetic woeful grievous lamentable sad sorrowful tearful rueful doleful biting trenchant cutting piercing penetrating sharp pungent piquant Antonymsunaffecting unmoving cold blunt unfeeling insipid trite vapid banal superficial FEARFULSynonymsfearful frightening frightful dreadful causing fear terrible dread alarming formidable appalling macabre ominous ghastly terrifying shocking portentous horrible sinister dire horrid eerie lurid awful Antonymsreassuring encouraging pleasant benign TROUBLESOMESynonymstroublesome worrisome bothersome demanding trying taxing disturbing annoying vexing irksome irritating exasperating tormenting harassing pesky inconvenient difficult tough cursed disobedient |