词汇 | thesaurus_distracted |
释义 | distractedadjective These are words and phrases related to distracted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of distracted. FRANTICSynonymsfrenzied frenetic overwrought beside oneself distraught nervous frantic excited agitated hectic raging impassioned rabid raving furious infuriated wild violent ungovernable crazy mad insane deranged delirious berserk Antonymscalm collected cool unruffled composed OVERWROUGHTSynonymsoverwrought overexcited excited agitated wrought up worked up carried away near hysteria riled greatly disturbed inflamed wild frenzied wild-eyed uneasy perturbed ruffled nervous high-strung oversensitive touchy Antonymscalm tranquil placid unruffled serene unexcited untroubled cool composed unflappable Slang ABSENTSynonymsabsent inattentive unthinking heedless oblivious unaware unconscious absent-minded preoccupied vacant blank faraway removed empty vague dreamy musing out of it Slang tuned out Slang out to lunch Slang Antonymsattentive thoughtful meaningful conscious aware alert with it Slang tuned in Slang ABSENT-MINDEDSynonymsabsent-minded forgetful withdrawn unheeding unmindful preoccupied absent faraway woolgathering oblivious engrossed absorbed lost in thought daydreaming distrait out of it not with it Antonymsattentive alert heedful observant with it hip DISCONCERTSynonymsdisconcert fazed bewildered confused disturbed embarrassed flustered nonplussed perturbed rattled ruffled shaken troubled unsettled upset thrown Informal BERSERKSynonymsdistraught desperate berserk maniacal frenzied amok wild violent out of control frantic wild-eyed deranged insane demented crazy Antonymscalm serene tranquil collected pacific HYSTERICALSynonymshysterical overcome with fear distraught beside oneself uncontrollable frenzied crazed raving worked-up wrought-up overwrought carried away Informal crazy Informal out of one's wits Informal Antonymscalm composed poised self-possessed MADSynonymsinfatuated in love with beside oneself distraught mad enthusiastic wild excited fanatic avid devoted to frenzied impassioned ardent Antonymscalm cool collected composed unexcited uncaring nonchalant disdainful INATTENTIVESynonymsnot attentive careless negligent thoughtless unmindful unobservant heedless absentminded forgetful unaware daydreaming inattentive showing no interest Antonymsattentive heedful mindful careful aware DISTRESSEDSynonymsdistressed distraught perturbed worried afflicted agitated anxious bothered disconsolate exercised inconsolable troubled upset DISTRAUGHTSynonymsdistraught distressed agitated anxious frantic beside oneself extremely troubled mad seething frenzied Antonymscollected calm serene cool composed DISORIENTEDSynonymsdisoriented not adjusted confused mixed-up out of touch out of joint unstable |