词汇 | thesaurus_dispirit |
释义 | dispiritverb These are words and phrases related to dispirit. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. OPPRESSSynonymsdepress cast down dishearten deject discourage sadden pain grieve sorrow oppress trouble vex worry burden weigh down tax try Antonymsunburden relieve ease gladden cheer cheer up hearten encourage DISCOURAGESynonymsdiscourage daunt lessen the self-confidence of intimidate dishearten deject unnerve do in dismay depress prostrate dash one's hopes dampen one's spirits disparage decimate destroy confidence in unman Antonymsencourage hearten fortify inspire embolden DISHEARTENSynonymsdishearten dismay discourage faze daunt deject depress dash abash weaken the resolution of crush take the heart out of sadden Antonymsencourage uplift hearten make determined FRUSTRATESynonymsfrustrate discourage fluster upset disappoint disconcert dishearten cripple hamstring clip the wings of Antonymsencourage hearten cheer satisfy gratify DEFLATESynonymsdeflate debunk chasten dash humble humiliate knock down squash collapse Antonyminflate DARKENSynonymsdarken cloud sadden make despondent make gloomy fill with gloom cast a pall over Antonymmake happy |