词汇 | thesaurus_dillydally |
释义 | dillydallyverb These are words and phrases related to dillydally. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROCRASTINATESynonymsprocrastinate delay stall play for time temporize kill time dally tarry loiter dawdle waste time twiddle one's thumbs linger drag one's feet put off action defer postpone adjourn put on ice wait till tomorrow hesitate hold back hang back lag be dilatory Antonymsexpedite hasten hurry speed speed up LOUNGESynonymslounge loaf idle take it easy do nothing relax lie around pass time idly fritter away time kill time dawdle dally recline repose stretch out laze languish flop loll sprawl slump slouch rest sleep slumber FLUCTUATESynonymsdawdle fluctuate waver vacillate sway oscillate undulate swing be irresolute be unsettled hesitate be undetermined falter shift alternate vary be inconstant Antonymshold fast persist stand fast stand firm remain steady PUTTERSynonymsputter fiddle fool tinker potter piddle loiter dawdle diddle dally drift loaf idle lounge lallygag loll laze LINGERSynonymslinger stay remain tarry persist delay delay departure wait dawdle procrastinate dally loiter idle lag trail hang around Informal Antonymsleave hastily rush hasten depart disappear POKESynonymspoke dawdle idle dally shilly-shally fiddle delay potter drag shuffle crawl hang back saunter meander shamble mosey Slang SHILLY-SHALLYSynonymsshilly-shally waver vacillate procrastinate hesitate stall falter fluctuate hem and haw dawdle dither go back and forth seesaw oscillate straddle the fence blow hot and cold Antonymsbe decisive act accomplish perform do LOITERSynonymstarry dally dawdle shilly-shally loaf procrastinate loiter linger idly about hang around hover around skulk lurk slink loll laze idle Antonymshasten hurry scurry scuttle scamper HESITATESynonymsbe undecided be uncertain be unsure be irresolute waver vacillate shilly-shally straddle the fence hesitate pause delay stop briefly halt falter Antonymsgo pell-mell go headlong continue be decisive decide be firm be certain be sure be confident DAWDLESynonymsdawdle dally idle loiter loaf delay procrastinate putter around loll around fool around kill time waste time fritter away time Antonymshurry hasten speed FALTERSynonymsblow hot and cold Informal falter hesitate be undecided waver vacillate fluctuate demur be irresolute show weakness shrink lag Antonymspersevere persist proceed MAUNDERSynonymsmaunder wander ramble drift saunter meander stray straggle flounder dawdle loaf |