词汇 | thesaurus_desirous |
释义 | desirousadjective These are words and phrases related to desirous. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of desirous. PASSIONATESynonymsloving amorous lustful sensuous carnal erotic passionate impassioned fervent fervid ardent emotional earnest intense fiery fierce furious raging tempestuous excited wrought-up inflamed feeling heartfelt enthusiastic hot heated vehement intoxicating ecstatic sexy Slang Antonymsdispassionate cold cool apathetic passive lethargic indifferent calm soothing WISHFULSynonymswishful hopeful wanting keen on eager bent upon anxious avid ambitious expectant aspiring longing hankering after craving yearning pining hungering after thirsting after FONDSynonymsfond loving tender affectionate amorous devoted passionate impassioned ardent enamored infatuated sentimental doting indulgent overaffectionate foolishly loving overfond Antonymsunconcerned aloof unloving unaffectionate undemonstrative strong-minded rational austere ANXIOUSSynonymsanxious eager impatient wanting itching yearning expectant earnest intent keen ardent fervent avid zealous Antonymsreluctant averse hesitant loath disinclined indisposed AVIDSynonymsavid eager greedy avaricious insatiable hungry keen anxious grasping covetous acquisitive voracious rapacious Antonymsunconcerned disdainful indisposed disinclined loath EAGERSynonymseager excited avid keen yearning longing impatient raring athirst thirsting hungering agog Antonymsindifferent unconcerned uninterested opposed adverse COVETOUSSynonymscovetous craving lustful yearning greedy avaricious rapacious grasping mercenary selfish envious jealous Antonymsself-denying self-abnegating forswearing renouncing abjuring liberal generous bountiful unselfish AMBITIOUSSynonymszealous eager intent ardent avid ambitious aspiring enterprising industrious energetic determined Antonymsunambitious unaspiring apathetic indolent slothful lazy LONGINGSynonymslonging yearning craving hankering hungering wishful pining languishing ardent Antonymsdisinterested indifferent unconcerned apathetic cold cool loathsome disgusting hateful scornful |