词汇 | thesaurus_delineate |
释义 | delineateverb These are words and phrases related to delineate. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of delineate. PAINTSynonymsornament outline compose picture portray represent depict design draft draw figure limn paint brush coat color cover cover up daub CHARACTERIZESynonymscharacterize describe portray define designate differentiate distinguish identify personalize represent stamp typify mark brand dub tag HEDGESynonymslimit demarcate mark off hedge enclose surround border bound edge encircle outline fence wall ring shut in hem hem in SKETCHSynonymssketch set forth briefly describe quickly outline plot summarize abstract map mark out picture depict portray chart graph rough out ELUCIDATESynonymselucidate clarify explain explicate make plain clear up throw light upon illuminate illustrate describe expound detail interpret spell out comment upon Antonymsconfuse bewilder obscure becloud muddle DEPICTSynonymsdepict paint portray draw sketch limn picture sculpt carve represent diagram draft map out chart ETCHSynonymsetch incise inscribe carve cut eat into engrave execute impress imprint ingrain portray represent CHARTSynonymsplot draft plan design outline sketch tabulate lay out chart map map out draw up diagram REPRESENTSynonymsrepresent portray depict show show a likeness of picture illustrate sketch outline describe state present PORTRAYSynonymsportray depict describe picture model sketch draw illustrate paint carve sculpture photograph PORTRAYSynonymsfigure set forth narrate picture portray describe depict characterize represent detail ILLUSTRATESynonymsillustrate ornament provide with illustrations decorate adorn with pictures pictorialize portray paint or draw illustrations for represent picture OUTLINESynonymsoutline draw a line around trace diagram write a synopsis sketch out blueprint plot DETAILSynonymsdetail itemize enumerate particularize specify designate relate recount Antonymgeneralize |