词汇 | thesaurus_defer-to |
释义 | defer toverb These are words and phrases related to defer to. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. HEEDSynonymsheed follow be guided by mind obey accede to yield to concur comply with hold to be ruled by bow to submit to observe respect take notice of listen to consider bear in mind pay attention to take note of give ear to give a thought to take to heart Antonymsignore disregard slight neglect overlook reject refuse turn a deaf ear to be inattentive to treat frivolously ACCEDESynonymsconcede permit yield to submit to acquiesce surrender to accede consent to approve agree to grant assent to accept concur with subscribe to abide by comply with conform to admit acknowledge endorse Antonymsreject refuse disallow spurn decline veto oppose object to resist protest disapprove demur shy away from balk at RESPECTSynonymsrespect honor esteem do honor to revere venerate pay deference to pay respect to regard pay attention to look up to be appreciative of understand set store by admire value cherish prize Antonymspay no attention to think lowly of have a low opinion of scorn hold in contempt disdain OBSERVESynonymsobserve obey comply with conform to follow heed abide by adhere to fulfill keep be guided by acquiesce to carry out execute perform respect Antonymsdisobey disregard neglect ASSENTSynonymsacquiesce consent comply yield accord permit assent agree concur accept subscribe to fall in with concede approve allow grant Antonymsdissent disagree differ disapprove protest object reject refuse deny negate spurn disallow REVERESynonymsrevere honor treat with veneration venerate esteem show honor and devotion to reverence look up to show deep regard for respectfully cherish respect deeply respect Antonymsdisrespect dishonor despise scorn disparage mock contemn snap one's fingers at SUCCUMBSynonymssuccumb give in yield give way submit comply with accede capitulate surrender fall victim to Antonymsresist fight hold firm |