词汇 | thesaurus_deep-seated |
释义 | deep-seatedThese are words and phrases related to deep-seated. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of deep-seated. FELT OR EXPERIENCED WITH A LOT OF FORCEHe has a deep-seated loathing of snobbery. Synonyms and examplesstrong I felt a strong urge to hug him. powerful Anger is one of the most powerful human emotions. intense She learned that even intense emotional pain passes. fierce The people have a fierce pride in their country. deep He suffered from a deep feeling of inadequacy. profound I have a profound respect for their culture. passionate She shares my passionate belief that racism is vile. ardent His ardent desire was to get more people interested in classical music. uncontrollable I had an uncontrollable urge to burst out laughing. overwhelming She is driven by an overwhelming desire to succeed. overpowering I have an overpowering urge to pack my bags and go exploring. irresistible I had an irresistible impulse to buy a notebook and start writing. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of deep-seated. See words related to deep-seatedmuscular muscled muscly UKinformal brawny ripped informal shredded informal tough resilient mighty literary sturdy solid hard-wearing durable robust indestructible heavy-duty hardy Learn more If a person is strong, they have a lot of physical or mental strength. A strong feeling is felt or experienced with a lot of force. A strong object, material, etc. does not break easily . deep-seated | American Thesaurusdeep-seatedadjective These are words and phrases related to deep-seated. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of deep-seated. LASTINGSynonymsdeep-rooted established fixed firmly established solid lasting enduring abiding continuing durable long-term permanent never-ending lifelong perdurable long-lived protracted continuing a long time of long duration firm steadfast constant incessant perpetual unceasing indissoluble indestructible persistent lingering chronic eternal immortal Antonymsfleeting fugitive passing transitory transient short-lived ephemeral momentary STRONGSynonymsstrong keen fervent intense deep zealous ardent vehement earnest impassioned fervid fierce confirmed assiduous faithful devoted sedulous diligent high-spirited animated spirited Antonymsshallow spiritless apathetic lethargic halfhearted faint wavering insecure unfaithful CHRONICSynonymschronic habitual longstanding continual continuous constant persistent persisting enduring lasting abiding confirmed inveterate perennial ingrained deep-rooted recurring recurrent periodic intermittent Antonymstemporary infrequent once-in-a-lifetime fleeting INSTINCTIVESynonymsineradicable instinctive innate inherent inborn inbred instinctual resulting from instinct intuitive inspired natural native unlearned unacquired involuntary spontaneous automatic impulsive Antonymslearned acquired voluntary deliberate willful INGRAINEDSynonymsingrained fixed inborn inbred inherent innate deep deep-rooted constitutional implanted rooted indelible thorough intrinsic inveterate confirmed firm HABITUALSynonymshabitual chronic confirmed inveterate constant addicted continual frequent repeated periodic recurrent established ingrained deep-rooted perpetual systematic methodical Antonymsinfrequent sporadic irregular unconfirmed STEADFASTSynonymssteadfast resolute staunch indomitable undaunted intransigent obstinate tenacious inflexible unyielding uncompromising unchangeable unchanging unalterable deep-rooted single-minded Antonymsunreliable irresolute wavering vacillating capricious halfhearted changeable fickle INVETERATESynonymsinveterate confirmed steadfast constant habitual established inured hardened ingrained deep-rooted diehard adamant incurable unregenerate unreconstructed Antonymsundeveloped incipient reformed INBREDSynonymsinbred innate natural ingrained inherent congenital hereditary deep-rooted inborn intrinsic indwelling constitutional instinctive instinctual primal Antonymssuperimposed acquired learned extraneous PROFOUNDSynonymsprofound deeply felt heartfelt keenly felt sincere heart-stirring strongly felt |