词汇 | thesaurus_deceptiveness |
释义 | deceptivenessnoun These are words and phrases related to deceptiveness. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of deceptiveness. FALSEHOODSynonymsfalsehood lying untruthfulness falseness dishonesty falsity falsification deception misrepresentation inaccuracy deceit distortion mendacity perjury misstatement dissimulation double-dealing dissembling perfidy hypocrisy duplicity bad faith two-facedness insincerity Antonymsveracity genuineness honesty honor FALSITYSynonymsfalsity falsehood lie untruth mendacity canard cheating deceit deception dishonesty fallacy fib fraud fraudulence disingenuousness duplicity erroneousness error hypocrisy misrepresentation treachery prevarication CASUISTRYSynonymscasuistry sophistry sophism speciousness equivocation pettifoggery sophistication fallacy quibbling nitpicking hair-splitting guile subtlety deceit EQUIVOCATIONSynonymsequivocation hedging evasion ambiguity avoidance deceit deception duplicity prevarication quibbling spuriousness stonewalling waffling DECEPTIONSynonymsdeception deceit deceitfulness fraud fraudulence trickery trickiness duplicity insincerity double-dealing treachery cunning Antonymscandor honesty sincerity truthfulness |