词汇 | thesaurus_curtailment |
释义 | curtailmentnoun These are words and phrases related to curtailment. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of curtailment. ABBREVIATIONSynonymslessening trimming cutting clipping pruning abbreviation shortened form short form shortening condensed form reduced form compressed form contracted form cut-down form reduction contraction diminution abridgment condensation compression abstraction digest synopsis summary abstract brief Antonymsfull form written-out form lengthening extending extension elongation stretching stretching out drawing out expansion enlargement amplification increase increasing augmentation prolongation STOPPAGESynonymsstoppage blockage obstruction obstacle barrier stricture impediment hindrance interruption disruption tieup gridlock check checkmate CUTSynonymscut reduction decrease abatement decline fall diminution contraction shortening shrinkage lessening Antonymsincrease rise surge expansion enlargement |