词汇 | thesaurus_contrived |
释义 | contrivedadjective These are words and phrases related to contrived. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of contrived. PREMEDITATEDSynonymsdeliberate conscious intended intentional purposeful calculated considered willful voluntary premeditated prearranged predesigned plotted predetermined predevised studied planned in cold blood with malice aforethought FAKESynonymsfake not real false bogus counterfeit phony pseudo spurious sham fabricated put-on forged simulated specious artificial invented concocted make-believe fictitious Antonymsreal authentic actual IMPROVISEDSynonymsimprovised impromptu ad-lib offhand extemporaneous extempore unrehearsed improvisational off-the-cuff spontaneous devised concocted hatched-up dreamed-up originated invented spur-of-the-moment extemporized Antonymsrehearsed prepared perfected polished memorized AFFECTEDSynonymsartificial unnatural mannered unreal not genuine phony assumed studied affected pretentious pompous conceited vainglorious vain Antonymsnatural unpretentious genuine real modest UNNATURALSynonymsunnatural artificial affected mannered stilted studied forced assumed phony fake put-on self-conscious theatrical Antonymsunaffected unpretentious sincere genuine honest STOPGAPSynonymsstopgap provisional makeshift improvised temporary substitute emergency impromptu stand-by tentative pro temLatin ad hocLatin Antonymspermanent well-established unalterable LABOREDSynonymslabored strained studied forced unnatural overdone unspontaneous drawnout heavy ponderous self-conscious Antonymseasy natural simple light PATSynonymspat rehearsed glib facile ready easy slick smooth flippant Antonymsimpromptu spontaneous sincere well-considered thoughtful serious |