词汇 | thesaurus_contentious |
释义 | contentiousadjective These are words and phrases related to contentious. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of contentious. HOSTILESynonymshostile belligerent angry antagonistic contrary quarrelsome bristling disputatious argumentative disagreeing malicious vicious malevolent venomous spiteful bitter malignant malign mean ugly unfriendly unkind unsympathetic ill-disposed ill-natured disagreeable incompatible cranky cantankerous snappish truculent testy touchy cold chilly icy Antonymsfriendly approving agreeable amiable amicable cordial congenial sweet kind kindly warm sympathetic TESTYSynonymstesty irritable ill-humored quick-tempered irascible cross cranky grumpy crabby snappish snappy fretful peevish petulant sullen waspish churlish splenetic choleric snarling cantankerous touchy temperamental impatient crusty fractious captious caviling faultfinding sharp-tongued perverse acrimonious moody filthy Informal Antonymsgood-natured good-humored even-tempered sweet pleasant amiable genial friendly agreeable kind generous patient smiling sunny smiley Informal PETULANTSynonymsfaultfinding complaining quarrelsome petulant peevish fretful irritable cross snappish sullen sulky surly grumpy grouchy testy huffy pettish irascible fractious gruff cantankerous sour crotchety crabbed bearish ungracious ill-natured ill-tempered out of sorts thin-skinned touchy tetchy uncivil Antonymsagreeable pleasant good-natured cheerful happy smiling complaisant cooperative content gracious amenable FACTIOUSSynonymsfactious divisive quarrelsome bickering disputatious disagreeing dissentious insubordinate rebellious mutinous combative belligerent insurrectionary contending warring fighting at sixes and sevens at loggerheads alienated estranged disaffected Antonymsconsenting agreeing harmonious assenting acquiescing DYSPEPTICSynonymsshirty British cantankerous British grouchy British crabby British grumpy British ornery British fractious British dyspeptic bad-tempered ill-natured ill-humored crotchety hot- tempered irritable irascible short-tempered mean choleric touchy sour-tempered waspish Antonymsgood-natured agreeable imperturbable even-tempered calm serene MILITANTSynonymsmilitant combative combatant aggressive belligerent uncompromising assertive extreme defiant pugnacious disputatious engaged in or favoring warfare warlike warring military paramilitary fighting warmongering bellicose martial Antonymsmoderate concessive peaceable pacific pacifist noncombative nonmilitant QUARRELSOMESynonymsquarrelsome belligerent truculent pugnacious combative militant bellicose disputatious argumentative antagonistic fractious captious churlish disagreeable contrary cantankerous irascible petulant peevish querulous Antonymsfriendly easygoing amiable agreeable PUGNACIOUSSynonymsbelligerent bellicose fractious disputatious argumentative pugnacious quarrelsome |