词汇 | thesaurus_congeniality |
释义 | congenialitynoun These are words and phrases related to congeniality. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of congeniality. LOVESynonymsfriendship amity brotherhood fellow feeling compatibility affinity sympathy concord cordiality love passion passionate affection the tender passion rapture amorousness ardor amour infatuation devotion adoration fondness tenderness affection affectionate regard warm personal attachment warm feeling sentiment emotion esteem admiration charity goodwill benevolence solicitude Antonymsanimosity antipathy antagonism acrimony animus bitterness resentment hostility opposition malice ill will incompatibility uncongeniality HARMONYSynonymsharmony agreement accord concord unanimity like-mindedness conformity unity amicability amity sympathy compatibility fellowship friendship cooperation mutual regard peace good understanding harmonious relations concurrence in opinions Antonymsdisagreement enmity opposition conflict contention discord dissension antagonism hostility SYMPATHYSynonymssympathy concord accord harmony understanding agreement rapport affinity consanguinity communion consonance unanimity concert regard amity fellow feeling fellowship friendship Antonymsantipathy hostility misunderstanding antagonism HOSPITALITYSynonymshospitality welcome hospitableness friendliness amicability cordiality conviviality heartiness warmth cheer geniality sociability neighborliness warmheartedness kindliness openness Gemütlichkeit German FRIENDLINESSSynonymsfriendliness affability geniality neighborliness sociability amiability amity benevolence companionability conviviality cordiality kindliness kindness warmth goodwill CAMARADERIESynonymscamaraderie conviviality good-fellowship sociability good will friendliness affability jollity companionship clubbiness brotherhood comradeship esprit de corps bonhomie Antonymshostility enmity animosity rancor hatred SOCIABILITYSynonymssociability sociableness gregariousness affability camaraderie clubbability companionability friendliness good-fellowship communicativeness |