词汇 | thesaurus_comprehensible |
释义 | comprehensibleadjective These are words and phrases related to comprehensible. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of comprehensible. UNDERSTOODSynonymsunderstood understandable axiomatic clear customary implicit incontrovertible inferred manifest obvious plain self-evident self-explanatory tacit undeclared undeniable unexpressed unformulated unmistakable unquestionable unrecorded unsaid unspoken unstated accepted prima facieLaw traditional CLEARSynonymsclear plain obvious unmistakable evident self-evident manifest clear-cut undisguised unambiguous straightforward explicit inescapable apparent unhidden unconcealed positive certain definite unequivocal unqualified undeniable pronounced patent express Antonymsunclear ambiguous uncertain hidden READABLESynonymsunderstandable intelligible legible readable enjoyable entertaining easy engaging interesting pleasant pleasurable inviting lucid coherent flowing fluent clear smooth plain straightforward simple Antonymsturgid boring dull illegible incomprehensible indecipherable COHERENTSynonymscoherent logical meaningful intelligible articulate rational clear lucid connected understandable organized orderly systematic consistent cohesive harmonious corresponding congruous in agreement in keeping Antonymsdisjointed disconnected rambling inconsistent incongruous irrational illogical meaningless confusing chaotic vague hazy unintelligible incomprehensible LUCIDSynonymslucid clear easily understood crystal clear intelligible understandable articulate precise direct straightforward accurate specific well-organized to the point apposite positive certain Antonymsunintelligible incomprehensible vague indistinct unclear ambiguous equivocal garbled mystifying LEGIBLESynonymslegible readable easily read plain visible decipherable understandable distinct clear clear-cut neat Antonymsillegible undecipherable unreadable unclear indistinct THINKABLESynonymsthinkable conceivable believable feasible imaginable possible presumable reasonable supposable Antonymsunthinkable absurd impossible |