词汇 | thesaurus_coldhearted |
释义 | coldheartedadjective These are words and phrases related to coldhearted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. STONYSynonymsstony unfeeling insensible unsympathetic cold hard-hearted merciless austere severe soulless unresponsive icy heartless callous stone obdurate frigid stern stolid passionless unemotional indifferent flinty hardened blank expressionless coldblooded stoical unyielding inexorable pitiless chill forbidding indurate steely deadened untouched unaffected uncaring hard-boiled Informal bloodless Antonymsfeeling sensitive sympathetic warm responsive softhearted tenderhearted tender compassionate merciful soft mellow kind friendly IMMOVABLESynonymsunfeeling impassive unimpressionable heartless steely icy cold unsympathetic unimpressible detached immovable unyielding in purpose unchangeable stubborn obdurate not to be put off fixed inflexible stolid inexorable unbendable adamant resolute dogged Antonymsflexible persuadable swayable open-minded reasonable irresolute changeable INHUMANSynonymsinhuman cruel unfeeling merciless pitiless heartless brutal ruthless barbarous barbaric monstrous cold-blooded savage malevolent vicious satanic hardhearted brutish demoniac diabolical malignant venomous fiendish Antonymshuman humane benevolent kind humanitarian charitable altruistic sympathetic compassionate tender HEARTLESSSynonymsheartless cruel cruelhearted hardhearted callous unfeeling insensitive unkind unmoved unstirred cold uncaring unresponsive unsympathetic pitiless unpitying unmerciful brutal savage mean ruthless inhuman cold-blooded Antonymskind generous humane compassionate sympathetic sensitive merciful sweet soft-hearted warmhearted ICYSynonymsicy hostile unfriendly cold forbidding without warmth or feeling frigid frosty distant impassive aloof haughty cool unemotional glacial chilly chilling Antonymswarm friendly gracious sympathetic cordial |