词汇 | thesaurus_championship |
释义 | championshipadjective These are words and phrases related to championship. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of championship. VICTORIOUSSynonymsvictorious conquering winning triumphant successful champion prizewinning vanquishing Antonymsdefeated beaten bested worsted conquered vanquished overcome repulsed championshipnoun PROTECTIONSynonymsprotection protecting guarding safeguard defense preservation safekeeping guardianship custody charge care keep conservation saving support aid assistance immunity safety security ADVOCACYSynonymsadvocacy campaigning for pleading the case of speaking out for support patronage supporting backing espousal pressing for advancement furthering promotion propagation recommendation endorsement defense Antonymsopposition combatting assault attacking FURTHERANCESynonymsadvocacy defense furtherance advancement advance promotion support aid succor help assistance lift patronage favor interest countenance cooperation Antonymsopposition hindrance restraint defeat destruction AUSPICESSynonymsauspice sponsorship patronage support advocacy aegis care charge authority control countenance guidance influence protection AEGISSynonymsaegis sponsorship auspices protection patronage guard favor wing shelter backing support guardianship guaranty surety FAVORSynonymsadvocacy espousal favor approval goodwill friendly disposition esteem kindly regard good opinion approbation support patronage commendation countenance Antonymsill will disfavor malice malevolence antipathy prohibition animosity enmity hostility disapproval oppose be against disapprove dislike COUNTENANCESynonymscountenance approval sanction approbation moral support advocacy auspices encouragement assistance help aid promotion Antonymsdisapproval discouragement disapprobation disfavor opposition TITLESynonymstitle crown |