词汇 | thesaurus_challenging |
释义 | challengingThese are words and phrases related to challenging. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of challenging. NOT EASY TO DEAL WITH OR UNDERSTANDThis has been a challenging time for us all. Synonyms and examplesdifficult It's very difficult to find a job in this city. hard The exam was really hard. complicated The instructions were so complicated I just couldn't follow them. complex Designing a house is a complex process. tricky It's quite tricky getting the puzzle pieces to fit together. awkward Luckily, she didn't ask any awkward questions. demanding She has a very demanding job. easier said than done I know I should stop smoking but it's easier said than done. Antonym and exampleeasy The exam was easy! Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of challenging. Learn more Someone or something that is not easy to deal with or understand is difficult. challenging | American Thesauruschallengingadjective These are words and phrases related to challenging. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of challenging. RIGOROUSSynonymsrigorous demanding trying stern austere harsh exacting tough very harsh severe strict stringent rigid DEMANDINGSynonymsdemanding difficult imperious insistent pressing taxing onerous painful complicated tough trying wearing Antonymsundemanding easy facile painless simple uncomplicated RESPONSIBLESynonymsresponsible requiring maturity and ability important demanding administrative executive Antonymirresponsible ADVENTUROUSSynonymsadventurous risky hazardous dangerous perilous Antonymsdull boring routine completely safe |