词汇 | thesaurus_celebrating |
释义 | celebratingadjective These are words and phrases related to celebrating. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. HOLIDAYSynonymsholiday festive gala merrymaking gay joyous joyful cheery cheerful Antonymsserious somber sad gloomy TRIUMPHANTSynonymstriumphant rejoicing exultant jubilant elated joyful Antonymsdespairing disappointed celebratingnoun REVELRYSynonymsrevelry boisterousness boisterous festivity reveling merrymaking merriment rejoicing celebration jollity jollification conviviality exultation festival carnival jamboree carousal roistering high jinks spree CELEBRATIONSynonymscelebration party festivity festival feast gala fete jubilee carnival revelry commemoration ritual observance ceremony ceremonial solemnization hallowing memorialization sanctification |