词汇 | thesaurus_cast-off |
释义 | cast offadjective These are words and phrases related to cast off. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of cast off. DESERTEDSynonymsdeserted forsaken vacant abandoned bare barren bereft derelict desolate isolated left stranded relinquished uninhabited unoccupied empty FORSAKENSynonymsforsaken abandoned jilted derelict deserted forlorn isolated left behind marooned outcast thrown over disowned ignored cast offverb RELINQUISHSynonymsrelinquish renounce repudiate deny disclaim dismiss lay aside shed discard put aside surrender cede give up deliver up hand over yield forgo forbear waive sign away resign abdicate quit withdraw from leave vacate forsake abandon turn one's back on wash one's hands of rid oneself of drop Antonymskeep retain hold cling to sustain maintain RENOUNCESynonymsrepudiate abjure forswear recant abrogate deny disavow disclaim reject disown write off turn from discard renounce give up relinquish resign abdicate give up claim to cede part with quit forgo eschew waive abandon abnegate wash one's hands of cast aside put aside lay aside dismiss Antonymsavow assert proclaim maintain uphold defend claim keep retain hold accept approve acknowledge DOFFSynonymsdoff remove take off put off shed toss off strip undress throw off bare disrobe drop step out of scrap junk do away with eliminate discard abandon throw out Antonymskeep retain save maintain conserve FORSAKESynonymsforsake desert abandon leave quit vacate abdicate resign lay down fling away part with jettison dispose of flee depart JETTISONSynonymsjettison throw overboard toss overboard pitch over throw over throw off ballast eliminate discard throw out dump scrap unload eject discharge DISOWNSynonymsdisown disinherit disclaim disavow repudiate renounce forsake denounce reject refuse to acknowledge refuse to recognize Antonymsclaim accept acknowledge recognize SHEDSynonymsshed let fall drop discard slough doff lose hair molt |