词汇 | thesaurus_carry-out |
释义 | carry outverb These are words and phrases related to carry out. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FINISHSynonymsget done accomplish carry through achieve fulfill consummate make good finish end conclude bring to a close complete wind up bring to an end terminate discontinue stop cease seal clinch draw to a close close put an end to get out of the way dispose of knock off Informal realize discharge do thoroughly settle Antonymsbegin start undertake commence originate create MEETSynonymsmeet fulfill comply with satisfy observe abide by adhere to execute perform discharge heed obey be faithful to follow acknowledge respect keep one's pledge equal come up to answer match Antonymsfail fall short of renege REALIZESynonymsrealize actualize fulfill complete consummate bring to pass bring about effectuate execute carry through work out discharge do produce perform attain get achieve accomplish make good CONDUCTSynonymsperform transact carry on discharge dispatch execute operate enact look after conduct manage administer direct guide regulate rule control govern superintend supervise TRANSACTSynonymstransact carry on carry through conduct exact perform do exercise execute handle accomplish manage discharge achieve settle take care of EXERCISESynonymsexercise perform execute discharge employ utilize wield apply practice exert display demonstrate show exhibit Antonymsavoid evade ignore overlook eschew COMMITSynonymscommit perform do act enact transact practice perpetrate execute effect pursue participate in pull Slang pull off Slang Antonymomit PRACTICESynonymspractice perform do follow put into practice put into action apply use utilize live up to turn to use bring into play set to work SERVESynonymsgo through spend pass complete serve go through a term of service work act perform do duty hold an office fill a post officiate FILLSynonymsexecute discharge fill occupy take up assign fulfill supply function serve act preside do duty Antonymsdrain empty evaporate shrink diminish ebb subside exhaust vacate IMPLEMENTSynonymsimplement put into effect begin activate enact start set in motion bring about fulfill achieve accomplish realize ACTSynonymsact do it perform do function go about execute operate move press on put forth commit oneself Antonymsstay stop rest procrastinate put off DISPATCHSynonymsdispatch finish complete conclude execute quickly wind up dispose of rapidly expedite settle discharge speedily carry out speedily make short work of ENFORCESynonymsenforce administer keep in force compel obedience to insist on impose implement execute apply exact support defend Antonymsignore |