词汇 | thesaurus_build-up |
释义 | build upverb These are words and phrases related to build up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. BUILDSynonymsbuild increase enlarge greaten extend develop raise enhance improve intensify multiply augment supplement amplify strengthen renew reinforce harden steel brace establish found originate launch institute begin start initiate inaugurate set up open embark on undertake Antonymsdecrease diminish reduce lessen lower contract attenuate curtail shrink scale down weaken dilute deplete decline impair sap undermine debilitate cripple harm injure end stop terminate finish conclude wind up close discontinue suspend relinquish STRENGTHENSynonymsfortify buttress support brace prop shore up sustain strengthen make stronger become stronger give strength to gain strength grow stronger reinforce harden steel restore renew enhance improve Antonymsweaken debilitate crush enervate destroy devitalize FATTENSynonymsfatten augment bloat broaden gain weight coarsen cram expand distend feed fill nourish increase plump round out spread thicken swell thrive FORTIFYSynonymsfortify sustain make strong support strengthen buoy up boost brace hearten cheer reassure encourage embolden urge on stimulate invigorate Antonymsdemoralize dishearten unnerve discomfit PRAISESynonymstout Slang praise commend laud approve acclaim extol congratulate compliment applaud cheer root for panegyrize eulogize exalt DIGNIFYSynonymsdignify honor distinguish glorify elevate ennoble exalt uplift grace raise promote magnify Antonymsdemean humble ACCRUESynonymsaccrue accumulate collect amass pile up add up grow increase Antonymsdwindle decrease diminish lessen wane dissipate dribble away GAINSynonymsgain acquire put on add DEVELOPSynonymsdevelop convert energize build-upnoun These are words and phrases related to build-up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of build-up. PUBLICITYSynonymspuffery write-up publicity public notice attention currency publicness notoriety circulation promulgation advertising salesmanship promotion information propaganda ballyhoo Informal plug Informal hype Informal flack Informal puff Informal blurb Informal |