词汇 | thesaurus_bristling |
释义 | bristlingadjective These are words and phrases related to bristling. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. HOSTILESynonymshostile belligerent angry antagonistic contrary contentious quarrelsome disputatious argumentative disagreeing malicious vicious malevolent venomous spiteful bitter malignant malign mean ugly unfriendly unkind unsympathetic ill-disposed ill-natured disagreeable incompatible cranky cantankerous snappish truculent testy touchy cold chilly icy Antonymsfriendly approving agreeable amiable amicable cordial congenial sweet kind kindly warm sympathetic GRUFFSynonymscaustic tart sharp waspish ill-humored ill-natured ill-tempered sulky sullen peevish crusty gruff surly brusque curt blunt short abrupt stern bluff uncivil rude impolite discourteous ungracious insulting snarling grumpy grouchy bearish sour crabbed churlish Antonymspleasant kind sweet good-humored courteous polite civil gracious TEEMINGSynonymsteeming abundant brimming swarming chock-full crammed crawling filled fruitful full multitudinous numerous overflowing packed plentiful populous replete rife thick thronged bursting alive Antonymsshort lacking wanting COARSESynonymsrough rough-textured harsh scratchy prickly nubbly shaggy bristly coarse coarse-grained unrefined sandpaper Slang Antonymsfine-grained fine refined smooth soft silky satiny THORNYSynonymsprickly spiny brambly barbed spiked thorny full of thorns overgrown with thorns |