词汇 | thesaurus_brightness |
释义 | brightnessThese are words and phrases related to brightness. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of brightness. BRIGHTNESS THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SEEThe brightness of the sun hurt his eyes. Synonyms and exampleslight Light streamed in through the window. illumination formal For professional-quality photos, it is best to use several sources of illumination. sun This plant needs to be in full sun. sunlight Sunlight streamed in through the windows. daylight How much daylight does this room get? sunbeam The cat sat in the sunbeam. ray The sun's rays spread across the meadow. beam He stood in the street, lit by the beam of the car's headlights. radiance The radiance of the sun is more intense in these equatorial climates. luminosity The candles bathed the ballroom in a soft luminosity. glare She shielded her eyes from the glare of the spotlight. flash The flash of the explosion was blinding. glow The warm glow of candlelight made the place look cosy. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of brightness. See words related to brightnessbright sunny sunlit sun-drenched starlit moonlit illuminated formal candlelit floodlit lightweight superlight ultra-lightweight weightless (as) light as a feather airy floaty ethereal gauzy Learn more The brightness that comes from a source and allows you to see is called light. If a place has enough light so you can see, then we say it is light. Light can also be used to describe things that do not weigh much. Clothes and other fabric things that are made of thin material are also called light. brightness | American Thesaurusbrightnessnoun These are words and phrases related to brightness. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of brightness. ANIMATIONSynonymsexcitement ardor elation glow vibrancy fire alertness alacrity sprightliness buoyancy briskness gaiety good cheer sportiveness animation liveliness life spirit high spirit good spirit animal spirit blithe spirit vivacity vitality vital power zest vigor vim verve exhilaration eagerness enthusiasm ebullience action activity Antonymslifelessness dullness spiritlessness lethargy apathy passivity inertness stolidity sluggishness dejection depression low spirits SHEENSynonymssheen luster gloss shine glaze polish shininess gleam shimmer effulgence glossiness glint glitter glister radiance burnish glow luminousness refulgence Antonymstarnish filminess matte dullness RADIANCESynonymsradiance luster sparkle glitter dazzle iridescence lambency gleam sheen splendor resplendence brilliancy brilliance luminosity effulgence refulgence luminousness coruscation incandescence Antonymsdullness dimness murkiness darkness BUOYANCYSynonymsbuoyancy good spirits animation vivacity enthusiasm exhilaration good humor cheerfulness cheeriness gladness joyousness sunniness glee gaiety lightheartedness joviality jollity Antonymsdepression dejection low spirits bad humor cheerlessness sadness gloominess melancholy tears dullness lethargy MAGNITUDESynonymsmagnitude size extent expanse dimensions proportions mass bulk amplitude volume measure bigness hugeness enormity largeness vastness immensity Antonymssmallness diminutiveness meanness SHINESynonymsshine gloss luster glow sheen radiance brilliance dazzle polish polishing shining wax waxing buffing burnishing Antonymsdullness tarnish FRESHNESSSynonymsfreshness newness novelty bloom cleanness glow dew dewiness greenness originality shine sparkle vigor youth clearness CLEVERNESSSynonymscleverness intelligence skill smartness adroitness astuteness brains dexterity ingenuity wit resourcefulness sharpness shrewdness GAIETYSynonymsgaiety colorfulness showiness brilliance gaudiness garishness frippery frumpery tinsel glitter show brummagem WITSynonymssparkle vivacity wit cleverness sense of humor humor drollery levity jocularity funniness waggery quickness at repartee Antonymsseriousness gravity solemnity sobriety dullness CLARITYSynonymsbrilliance glassiness luminosity radiance effulgence clarity |