词汇 | thesaurus_break-down |
释义 | break downThese are words and phrases related to break down. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of break down. TO BREAK DOWNThe lift has broken down again. Synonyms and examplesstop working I don’t understand it - my phone just stopped working. crash When a computer crashes, you reboot. fail The train’s brakes failed, causing it to derail. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of break down. See words related to break downbreak fracture bust informal shatter smash snap chip crack split fall apart breakable fragile delicate brittle weak broken dead defunct busted mainly USinformal out of order have had it informal kaput informal on the blink informal on the fritz USinformal Learn more If something breaks, or if you break something, it is damaged so that it no longer works or is no longer in perfect condition. If something is easily broken, it is easy to damage that thing. If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working. If something is damaged so that it no longer works or is no longer in perfect condition, it is broken. TO CRYThe witness broke down on the stand. Synonyms and examplescry She skinned her knee and began to cry. weep literary My lady, why do you weep? cry your eyes out Our children cried their eyes out when our dog ran way. sob your heart out She waved goodbye to her parents, then went to the gate and sobbed her heart out. cry buckets informal Every time I watch that film, I just cry buckets at the ending. bawl I bawled when I found out I didn't win the prize. sob He started to sob when he heard his friend had died. blubber informaldisapproving Stop blubbering and pull yourself together! grizzle UKdisapproving The poor baby grizzled every time I put her to bed. burst into tears Upon hearing the news, she burst into tears. curst out crying When I proposed to him, he said yes then burst out crying. dissolve into tears When I confronted her about not finishing her homework before going out, she dissolved into tears. lose it informal She made it all the way through the funeral and then lost it on the car ride home. tear up mainly US I teared up when I heard I had won the contest. mist over/ He might have misted up a bit when the choir sang his favorite hymn. choke up He got all choked up while trying to give the toast at his son's wedding. get informal The end of that story is so sad - it really gets me! snivel Instead of defending himself, he became a snivelling, shaking mess. turn on the waterworks old-fashioneddisapproving She gave me some story about losing her wallet and turned on the waterworks, but I wasn't fooled. Antonym and exampledry your eyes Dry your eyes - I'm sure it will all turn out for the best. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of break down. Learn more If you cry, you produce tears because of a strong emotion. break down | American Thesaurusbreak downverb These are words and phrases related to break down. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of break down. SAPSynonymsimpair cripple disable afflict sap deplete reduce rob weaken undermine tax wear enervate enfeeble exhaust debilitate devitalize subvert destroy ruin devastate bleed drain LANGUISHSynonymslanguish go into decline droop flag faint diminish fade wilt wither deteriorate give away wane ebb waste away become ill take sick sicken go downhill dwindle fail Antonymsluxuriate thrive prosper flourish bloom RAZESynonymsraze tear down pull down level fell flatten knock down topple dismantle reduce wreck smash demolish destroy ruin wipe out obliterate remove GIVESynonymsgive give way collapse slacken loosen unbend ease relax relent bend retreat move back recede shrink become soft sink deliquesce FOUNDERSynonymsfounder go lame stagger limp hobble reel trip stumble tumble fall lurch topple plunge sprawl come a cropper Informal ROTSynonymsgo to pieces fall into decay deteriorate degenerate crumble rot spoil go bad decay decompose putrefy putresce disintegrate wither up molder FIZZLESynonymscollapse founder fizzle come to nothing fail abort misfire fall through miscarry come to grief fall short miss the mark flop Slang fizzle out Slang DIESynonymsdie fail expire become inoperative or inactive run out lose power stop degenerate rot wear away go flat go stale lose force run down COLLAPSESynonymscollapse disintegrate fail fall through come to nothing be in vain flounder run aground flop Slang fizzle Slang fold Slang Antonymssucceed triumph flourish SAGSynonymssag weaken diminish decline lose strength flag weary tire fail fizzle out SIMPLIFYSynonymssimplify order disentangle boil down reduce clarify shorten streamline unscramble CRACKSynonymscrack break give way lose control become irrational go to pieces DISMANTLESynonymsdismantle disassemble take apart strip undo dismember DECOMPOSESynonymsbreak up disintegrate decompose separate DISSECTSynonymsexamine part by part dissect analyze study |