词汇 | thesaurus_bragging |
释义 | braggingadjective These are words and phrases related to bragging. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROUDSynonymsprideful self-praising boastful braggart egotistical swollen vainglorious know-it-all complacent proud conceited vain smug self-satisfied self-important pompous overbearing assuming affected puffed up inflated bloated arrogant insolent flaunting patronizing condescending supercilious disdainful contemptuous intolerant haughty aloof snobbish lordly high-and-mighty imperious uppish Informal uppity Informal snooty Informal cocky Informal stuck-up Informal high-hat Slang snotty Slang Antonymshumble unassuming modest unobtrusive meek unpresuming deferential BOASTFULSynonymsboastful conceited cocky vainglorious puffed up full of swagger pretentious pompous cocksure braggadocio vaunting crowing exaggerated inflated swollen Antonymsmodest self-disparaging deprecating self-belittling braggingnoun PRETENSESynonymsboasting vaunt bombast bluster pomposity pretense show pretentiousness showing off ostentation display fanfaronade ostentatiousness affectedness affectation false show airs Antonymssimplicity sincerity candor frankness ingenuousness openness BRAVADOSynonymsbravado show of courage swaggering swagger braggadocio bravura boasting boastfulness big talk crowing bombast cockiness bluster puffery blowing Antonymsnervousness trembling quaking shame EGOTISMSynonymsegotism self-admiration self-praise boastfulness braggadocio immodesty conceit vanity vainglory smugness arrogance pride hubris egoism Antonymsmodesty humility bashfulness self-criticism self-abnegation BLUFFSynonymsidle boast boast bluff pretense fake sham fraud lie humbug deception subterfuge Antonymstruth fact CONCEITSynonymsboastfulness conceit vanity pride vainglory egotism self-love self-esteem self-importance ego trip Slang Antonymshumility modesty self-deprecation |