词汇 | thesaurus_bloodless |
释义 | bloodlessadjective These are words and phrases related to bloodless. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of bloodless. STONYSynonymsstony unfeeling insensible unsympathetic cold hard-hearted coldhearted merciless austere severe soulless unresponsive icy heartless callous stone obdurate frigid stern stolid passionless unemotional indifferent flinty hardened blank expressionless coldblooded stoical unyielding inexorable pitiless chill forbidding indurate steely deadened untouched unaffected uncaring hard-boiled Informal Antonymsfeeling sensitive sympathetic warm responsive softhearted tenderhearted tender compassionate merciful soft mellow kind friendly SICKLYSynonymspale wan ashen drab peaked leaden cadaverous lackluster sickly ailing in poor health unhealthy sick ill unwell infirm invalid afflicted unsound frail weak delicate poorly COLORLESSSynonymscolorless dull unexciting uninteresting lifeless monotonous boring dreary drab lackluster flat unanimated spiritless uninspired ordinary commonplace prosaic neutral vapid insipid pale anemic Antonymscolorful bright exciting interesting lively full of life animated spirited vigorous dynamic forceful compelling strong unusual unique distinctive PALESynonymspale colorless white pasty ashen ash-colored wan pallid sallow drained of blood anemic cadaverous deathly deathlike ghostlike ghastly Antonymsruddy rosy-cheeked rosy rubicund high-colored florid flushed WHITESynonymswhite colorless pale pallid blanched bleached wan ashen ashy pasty ghostly cadaverous sallow gray leaden Antonymsruddy flushed rosy rosy-cheeked red pink florid high-colored CADAVEROUSSynonymsghastly gaunt pale ashen chalky pallid blanched cadaverous corpselike deathlike deathly |