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释义 | blameworthyThese are words and phrases related to blameworthy. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of blameworthy. BE TO BLAME FOR SOMETHINGHe lacked the mental capacity necessary for his conduct to be considered morally blameworthy. Synonyms and examplesbe to blame No one can decide who is to blame. be at fault Both the fans and the players were at fault. be someone's fault This is all my fault. be responsible We're still trying to determine who was responsible for the attacks. the blame lies with Some of the blame lies with investors. the blame rests with Much of the blame rests with the government, which has confused people with conflicting health messages guilty He was found guilty of two assault charges. culpable formal Although he acted recklessly, he was not held culpable. Antonym and exampleinnocent She was declared to be innocent of all guilt. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of blameworthy. See words related to blameworthyblame lay the blame on pin the blame on apportion blame formal hold someone responsible take the blame Learn more If you blame someone for something, you say or think that someone did something wrong. If someone is to blame for something, they caused something bad to happen. blameworthy | American Thesaurusblameworthyadjective These are words and phrases related to blameworthy. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of blameworthy. REPREHENSIBLESynonymsdeserving of blame deserving censure censurable blamable culpable guilty reprehensible condemnable unworthy objectionable shameful disgraceful heinous villainous opprobrious nefarious foul infamous despicable ignoble base vile wicked evil bad unpardonable inexcusable unjustifiable Antonymsadmirable laudable commendable praiseworthy blameless guiltless unobjectionable irreproachable pardonable forgivable WRONGSynonymsunwarranted unjustifiable inexcusable reprehensible wrong immoral evil wicked sinful bad iniquitous wrongful dishonest unethical dishonorable unlawful illegal illicit felonious crooked criminal unfair unjust Antonymsmoral virtuous righteous rightful godly good honest ethical highminded honorable lawful legal just fair admirable commendable praiseworthy worthy meritorious laudable INDECOROUSSynonymsreprehensible indecorous immodest unbecoming unseemly unfitting improper unsuitable inappropriate not in good taste ill-bred low-class gross wicked sinful Antonymsdecorous decent nice demure ceremonious formal conventional standard proper suitable ACCOUNTABLESynonymsaccountable liable answerable responsible obligated chargeable to blame guilty at fault culpable Antonymsblameless exempt innocent guiltless excused clear CRIMINALSynonymscriminal wrong senseless wasteful disgraceful outrageous villainous abominable Antonymsright just commendable admirable meritorious honorable praiseworthy GUILTYSynonymsguilty justly charged having committed a crime culpable blamable responsible for a wrongdoing Antonymblameless |