词汇 | thesaurus_besotted |
释义 | besottedadjective These are words and phrases related to besotted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of besotted. INEBRIATEDSynonymsinebriated drunk under the influence intoxicated befuddled tipsy drunken drunk as a lord plastered Slang in one's cups Slang oiled Slang sozzled Slang tight Slang high Slang loaded Slang three sheets to the wind Slang potted Slang bombed Slang stoned Slang smashed Slang wrecked Slang zonked Slang Antonymsober FATUOUSSynonymsfatuous foolish inane silly vacant in mind simple stupid brainless witless vapid vacuous asinine imbecile idiotic puerile obtuse senseless moronic ridiculous Antonymssensible prudent judicious wise sage sapient clever bright intelligent smart witty DRUNKSynonymsdrunk intoxicated inebriated sodden tipsy under the influence of alcohol soused Slang plastered Slang smashed Slang stewed Slang looped Slang zonked Slang zapped Slang three sheets to the wind Slang Antonymssober abstemious abstinent temperate ENAMOREDSynonymsenamored in love loving amorous attracted bewitched captivated enchanted enraptured entranced fond infatuated smitten taken with SODDENSynonymssodden listless dull expressionless |