词汇 | thesaurus_beggarly |
释义 | beggarlyadjective These are words and phrases related to beggarly. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of beggarly. TRIVIALSynonymstrivial trifling unimportant inconsequential petty slight piddling paltry picayune insignificant meaningless unessential flimsy nugatory inconsiderable small little slim meager puny niggling worthless idle foolish inappreciable of little value incidental rinky-dink Slang two-bit Slang everyday ordinary common commonplace pedestrian trite banal Antonymsweighty important consequential significant essential worthwhile momentous material considerable large appreciable substantial unusual extraordinary uncommon exceptional MISERABLESynonymsmiserable wretched impoverished very poor deplorable lamentable sorry pathetic unbearable sordid mean shabby degraded desperate scurvy pitiable second-rate rubbishy needy hapless feckless unfortunate inferior contemptible despicable Antonymscomfortable good respectable POORSynonymspaltry wretched sorry meager indifferent worthless fruitless vain futile unprofitable unworthy poor inferior inadequate deficient defective imperfect wanting faulty lacking something devoid of Antonymsworthy superior excellent SHABBYSynonymsungenerous meager cheap poor illiberal tight shabby unfair mean wretched sorry miserable contemptible ignoble dishonorable sordid low inferior unworthy Antonymsfair considerate admirable honorable liberal generous handsome lavish NIGGARDLYSynonymsniggardly wretched mean insufficient paltry poor sorry second-rate meager scanty scrubby measly cheap flimsy tawdry miserable contemptible shabby Antonymsbountiful liberal generous munificent handsome profuse lavish prodigal copious ample abundant bounteous plentiful |