词汇 | thesaurus_back-up |
释义 | back upThese are words and phrases related to back up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of back up. TO GO BACKWARDSI backed up into an empty parking space. Synonyms and examplesreverse The road ahead was blocked by a tree so I had to reverse. back I backed into the drive. retreat She retreated hastily back up the stairs. pull back UN peacekeepers have pulled back from the border. withdraw The British army withdrew from Dunkirk in 1940. Antonym and exampleadvance The rebels advanced on the capital. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of back up. See words related to back upbackwards mainly UK in reverse the wrong way around back to front backward retrograde Learn more Something that is facing backwards is facing in the opposite to a forward direction. Backward can be used to describe the direction that is opposite to the one you are facing. It can also describe something that is not advanced. If you go backwards, you move in the opposite to a forwards direction. back up | American Thesaurusback upverb These are words and phrases related to back up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of back up. STICKSynonymsstick stall mire be unable to proceed be tangled hinder check block immobilize bind trammel hold obstruct curb snarl impede hog-tie constrain shackle scotch thwart hamper balk detain inhibit bar checkmate stop Antonymsrelease free unblock untangle unfasten FURTHERSynonymsfoster back champion promote propagate work for favor stand by further forward aid assist help advance encourage lend a hand contribute to strengthen hasten quicken expedite speed accelerate oblige accommodate Antonymsslow retard hinder frustrate thwart impede obstruct SUPPORTSynonymssupport defend champion uphold stand up for stick up for second advocate go along with say yes to reinforce espouse sanction favor countenance aid boost assist further patronize bolster VETSynonymsappraise verify check authenticate validate certify corroborate substantiate vouch for guarantee warrant vet examine inspect check out look over scan scrutinize review investigate size up SUCCORSynonymssuccor aid assist comfort lend a hand to help relieve support sustain nurture wait on minister to nurse take care of render assistance to give a lift to protect shield befriend VOUCHSynonymssupport uphold maintain sustain back vouch swear to attest to affirm confirm guarantee warrant endorse corroborate verify certify witness attest authenticate Antonymsrefute repudiate deny abjure denounce ASSISTSynonymswork with collaborate cooperate support benefit sustain succor uphold reinforce assist help aid abet serve accommodate work for lend a hand wait on Antonymshinder hamper impede obstruct oppose counteract JUSTIFYSynonymsjustify vindicate excuse prove right show to be just warrant support validate uphold sanction confirm sustain bear out defend account for explain make explanation for ACCOMPANYSynonymssupport Informal attend Informal accompany go in company with go along with conduct escort chaperon convoy usher guard RECEDESynonymsrecede retreat go back regress abate ebb subside retire retrogress Antonymsadvance proceed move forward progress DIGRESSSynonymsdigress depart from the subject stray go off on a tangent wander divagate deviate diverge turn aside Antonymsproceed advance continue ACCOMPANYSynonymsaccompany play accompaniment for supply music for provide background or harmony for |