词汇 | thesaurus_avidity |
释义 | aviditynoun These are words and phrases related to avidity. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of avidity. SPIRITSynonymspluck mettle enterprise drive zeal spirit vigor vim zest liveliness animation vitality verve élan vivacity enthusiasm energy eagerness sprightliness sparkle ardor fire glow warmth courage bravery doughtiness audacity dauntlessness stoutheartedness daring backbone fortitude boldness stoutness valor staunchness fearlessness spunk sand Informal guts Informal grit Informal Antonymslifelessness dullness spiritlessness timidity EAGERNESSSynonymseagerness keenness enthusiasm excitement alacrity anticipation anxiousness fervor gusto hunger zeal zest impatience impetuosity intentness GREEDSynonymsgreed greediness money-hunger avarice avariciousness covetousness selfishness craving cupidity rapacity rapaciousness piggishness inordinate desire itching palm Antonymsgenerosity munificence liberality altruism unselfishness benevolence ALACRITYSynonymsalacrity willingness enthusiasm eagerness fervor zeal alertness promptness dispatch readiness Antonymsunwillingness indifference unconcern apathy impassiveness reluctance disinclination languor lethargy dullness |