词汇 | thesaurus_authorized |
释义 | authorizedadjective These are words and phrases related to authorized. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of authorized. QUALIFIEDSynonymscertified licensed qualified experienced trained competent practiced versed knowing eligible fit fitted equipped suited meet equal capable adept able talented skilled skillful accomplished expert efficacious proficient efficient Antonymsinexperienced untrained unpracticed RIGHTFULSynonymsrightful having a right having a just claim deserving right true proper correct legitimate legal lawful held by a just or legal claim allowed sanctioned valid constitutional designated prescribed inalienable deserved appropriate fitting condign Antonymsunrightful untrue improper unjust incorrect illegitimate illegal unlawful usurping PRIVILEGEDSynonymsallowed granted permitted licensed sanctioned warranted empowered entitled privileged limited special exempt free immune excused unaccountable not liable LICITSynonymslicit legal lawful allowable acceptable permissible legitimate admissible constitutional sanctioned sanctionable statutory authorizable valid legit Slang kosher Slang Antonymsforbidden illegal unlawful illicit banned prohibited PERMISSIBLESynonymssanctioned licensed lawful legal legitimate licit permissible permitted allowed allowable unprohibited tolerated admissible granted Antonymsforbidden prohibited banned disallowed proscribed unauthorized unlawful illegal illicit LAWFULSynonymslawful legal sanctioned by law legally permitted legitimate legalized legitimized within the law statutory licit allowed warranted permissible Antonymsunauthorized unlawful illegal illicit prohibited forbidden OFFICIALSynonymsapproved sanctioned authoritative certified accredited authentic warranted licensed official formal administrative vested Antonymsunofficial unauthorized informal casual CANONICALSynonymscanonical accepted sanctioned orthodox recognized authoritative approved legitimate authentic proper conventional customary Antonymsfreakish bizarre outlandish eccentric ELIGIBLESynonymseligible qualified able to be chosen acceptable appropriate proper suitable fitting applicable desirable worthwhile Antonymsineligible unacceptable inappropriate unsuitable LAWFULSynonymslawful rightful proper acknowledged by law legally entitled legitimate prescribed legally recognized granted titled due Antonymspretended disputed illegitimate |