词汇 | thesaurus_astounding |
释义 | astoundingadjective These are words and phrases related to astounding. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of astounding. PRODIGIOUSSynonymssurprising startling amazing astonishing dumbfounding overwhelming wonderful remarkable marvelous wondrous miraculous prodigious exceptional rare singular extraordinary uncommon unique impressive striking noteworthy renowned enormous vast huge immense far-reaching large terrific big grand great monumental mighty stupendous tremendous gigantic colossal monstrous inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable uncustomary unwonted unprecedented Antonymsunexceptional ordinary common usual unimpressive unremarkable small negligible SPECTACULARSynonymsfabulous marvelous overwhelming spectacular magnificent gorgeous glorious striking elaborate sumptuous impressive showy eye-filling splendid opulent ceremonious grand rich stately jeweled bespangled theatrical drop-dead Slang Antonymsplain unimpressive modest ordinary ASTONISHINGSynonymsastonishing surprising amazing overwhelming overpowering startling breathtaking staggering striking impressive shocking electrifying stupefying dazzling perplexing bewildering confounding confusing Antonymsexpected anticipated foreseen looked for WONDERFULSynonymswonderful causing wonder awe-inspiring miraculous amazing incredible phenomenal fabulous fantastic unique singular extraordinary astonishing staggering fascinating striking surprising spectacular Antonymsordinary common usual mediocre average modest paltry indifferent uninteresting VIVIDSynonymsvivid striking strong powerful remarkable impressive astonishing marvelous extraordinary memorable clear distinct definite unmistakable inescapable forceful emphatic Antonymsaverage usual unremarkable everyday routine run-of-the-mill SHOCKINGSynonymsshocking surprising astonishing startling staggering stupefying jarring jolting overwhelming disturbing perturbing upsetting disquieting unsettling disconcerting Antonymsunsurprising expected gratifying satisfying pleasing INCREDIBLESynonymsincredible unbelievable remarkable unimaginable awesome hardly credible inconceivable preposterous absurd farfetched amazing astonishing extraordinary Antonymscredible believable unremarkable ordinary usual common STRIKINGSynonymsextraordinary surprising striking remarkable noteworthy noticeable notable conspicuous prominent marked outstanding impressive STUNNINGSynonymsdumbfounding amazing shocking startling flabbergasting astonishing staggering stunning dazing stupefying numbing Antonymsmild harmless expected commonplace ordinary |