词汇 | thesaurus_asperse |
释义 | asperseverb These are words and phrases related to asperse. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. DENIGRATESynonymsabuse stigmatize traduce run down besmirch downgrade blacken call names calumniate backbite smear vilify revile soil sully denigrate defame malign slander tear down disparage decry deprecate give a black eye Slang drag through the mud Slang stab in the back Slang badmouth Slang dump on Slang Antonymspraise commend acclaim exalt boost REPROACHSynonymsdisparage denounce reproach find fault with chide admonish reprimand rebuke reprove criticize censure condemn stigmatize malign vilify revile blame scold upbraid rail at castigate charge tongue-lash call to account take to task shame disgrace Antonymspraise commend applaud compliment IMPUGNSynonymsimpugn attack assail oppose call in question challenge question deny contradict negate criticize berate denounce knock Slang libel slander Antonymsdefend support uphold back advocate INSINUATESynonymsinsinuate imply suggest hint slyly allude remotely to intimate whisper let fall Antonymdeny |